Are you doing anything out of ordinary on your app, like handling
different documents with one jQ instance or something? With that many
errors in different places I doubt it's an issue with jquery itself.

On Apr 2, 6:53 pm, Matt Critchlow <> wrote:
> Using the dev version of jquery i got the following for the recursion
> issues:
> too much recursion
> [Break on this error] if ( selector.nodeType ) {
> jquery-1.3.2.js (line 41)
> too much recursion
> [Break on this error] return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
> jquery-1.3.2.js (line 26)
> too much recursion
> [Break on this error] hidden = this.nodeType == 1 && jQuery(this).is
> (":hidden"),
> jquery-1.3.2.js (line 3871)
> too much recursion
> [Break on this error] queue[0].call(this);
> jquery-1.3.2.js (line 1405)
> too much recursion
> [Break on this error] var msg = "Error in hook: "+ exc +" fn=\n"+fn
> +"\n stack=\n";
> firebug-...ervice.js (line 1952)
> however in IE i get the following error:
> Out of memory  jquery-1.3.2.js, line 1427 character 2
> Which is:
> context = context || document;
> On Apr 2, 11:16 am, Matt Critchlow <> wrote:
> > I am making a lot of use of jQuery's load method to replace my main
> > content, then firing a callback function to either just bind some
> > events or do an ajax call to load some data into the page(search
> > results for example). I do this in the pageload function for the
> > history plugin to manage everything. This all seems very normal and
> > trivial to me though(for jQuery to handle), so I'm not sure it has
> > anything to do with the issue..
> > Thanks for sharing your experience too.
> > On Apr 2, 11:10 am, Donny Kurnia <> wrote:
> > > Matt wrote:
> > > > Hi All,
> > > > I realize this is kind of vague, but I can't link to the site yet
> > > > since we're still in development. I'm using the latest jquery, and the
> > > > history plugin to dynamically load html into a "main" div section
> > > > depending on user action. In Firebug, I sometimes notice 3 "too much
> > > > recursion" messages, one in jquery, one in sizzle, and then one in
> > > > firebug itself. Then in IE i actually get a message popup that says
> > > > "Out of memory". It's frustrating because it doesn't happen every
> > > > time, and the site continues to function fine. This feels like a
> > > > memory leak to me, but I'm not sure how to dig into it. Does anyone
> > > > know anything regarding how the history plugin with the latest version
> > > > of jquery might introduce this?
> > > > Thanks all,
> > > > Matt
> > > I got the same message in firebug. I'm only use Malsup's form plugins to
> > > submit one form via ajax, and some code to load ajax data as json. I'm
> > > still use jquery 1.2.6.
> > > I never had this message before in old version of firebug. I wonder
> > > whether this is firebug's bug, or something else.
> > > --
> > > Donny 
> > > Kurniahttp://hantulab.blogspot.com

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