I would code it like this:

    $.fn.showIf = function( show, arg ) {
        return this[ show ? 'show' : 'hide' ]( arg );
    $(function() {
        var $epc = $('#edit-profile-country');
        function setVisibility() {
            var value = $epc.val();
            $('#state').showIf( value == 'US' );
            $('#province').showIf( value == 'CA' );
        $epc.change( setVisibility );

The one-line .showIf() plugin makes it easy to either show or hide an
element depending on a condition.

The $epc variable is there merely to avoid repeating that selector in the
code. Since the state and province selectors are only used once each, I
didn't create variables for them.

About the second question, checking for the existence of the state/province
dropdowns: With this code (or your original code), there is no need to check
whether these exist. If they don't exist on the page, the show/hide/showIf
functions will silently do nothing. (Those functions, like most jQuery
methods, operate on each of the selected DOM elements - and it's perfectly
OK to select zero elements.)

If you do want to check whether one of those elements exists, you can do it
like this:

    if( $('#state').length ) {
        /* exists */
    else {
        /* missing */


> From: John H
> I'm not new to web development or javascript, but am 
> relatively new to jQuery. I'm wondering if someone would be 
> willing to quickly review the following code for efficiency 
> and best practices. The function works as required, but I'd 
> like to take this as a learning opportunity.
> In a nutshell the code initially hides two divs onload and 
> then the function shows/hides the state/province divs 
> depending on the value of the country dropdown. I want to 
> keep the code readable, but I know it could be tighten up.
> The state/province divs have a style attribute to initially hide them.
> Exp. style="display: none;"
> Questions:
> 1) Can the duplicate show/hide methods be reduced?
> 2) What about checking for the existence of the 
> state/province dropdowns? (I know they're always going to be 
> there because of the context of the page, but want to know 
> what the best practice is.)
>     $(document).ready(function() {
>       // set default div visibility
>       if ($('#edit-profile-country').val() == 'US') {
>         $('#state').show();
>       }
>       if ($('#edit-profile-country').val() == 'CA') {
>         $('#province').show();
>       }
>       $('#edit-profile-country').change(function() {
>         $('#state').hide();
>         $('#province').hide();
>         if ($(this).val() == 'US') {
>           $('#state').show();
>         }
>         if ($(this).val() == 'CA') {
>           $('#province').show();
>         }
>       })
>     });

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