Sure can, Rick!

Here's the options var that gets created for the auto-suggest.

In it, you'll see the callback function that gets fired when a user
clicks their entry after searching for something. You can see where I
built the HTML string for the list item element containing the select
element to choose a quantity, as well as a link back to the original
PDF document (haven't implemented that yet) and a brief description.

On Apr 8, 8:22 pm, "Rick Faircloth" <> wrote:
> > I don't think I can incrementally increase a
> > the ID/name of the select by 1.
> There are a couple of ways to do that.
> Can you show me an example of the select that
> you'd like to use and how the options would need
> to increment?
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Kinsbane
> Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 11:11 PM
> To: jQuery (English)
> Subject: [jQuery] Re: generate AJAX data based on number of select elements
> Thanks for the reply Rick. I'm just barely starting to get started
> with jQuery and AJAX in general, and while PHP wasn't terribly hard to
> pick up,
> I'm always trying to find the proper flow of logic to do things with
> JavaScript.
> Generally I try and find a loose example of what I want that someone
> else did, and adapt it to my needs by trial and error - I always seem
> to learn best that way.
> But this particular thing I don't think I've seen before and I don't
> know the first place to look for an example. It's pretty baffling.
> My other thought was to pre-define 15 or so selects in the data stream
> for the AJAX request and only include in the literature request those
> select ID's that have values..
> The problem there is, when a person selects a piece of literature, I'm
> not looping anything so I don't think I can incrementally increase a
> the ID/name of the select by 1.
> Or can I?
> On Apr 8, 6:48 pm, "Rick Faircloth" <> wrote:
> > I don't have a solution for you, but just wanted to let you
> > know that I'm interested in this, as well.  I'm planning
> > to build a real estate search interface that works with ajax
> > to return results to a calling page based on search choices
> > made by users.
> > My thoughts were that I would just use various functions triggered
> > by the check of a certain box, or a selection in a dropdown, etc.,
> > and all the search parameters would be scanned for their values
> > with any change.  I'm afraid that could get a little processor intensive,
> > however, with all the constant processing and changing of parameters.
> > I thought perhaps some kind of acceptable delay after changes might
> > allow users enough time to complete their search parameter changes before
> > triggering an ajax request.
> > I don't know.  I'm just in the "thinking about this" stage right now, but
> > will need to begin designing something in the next few weeks.
> > But your idea of dynamically looping a group of variables based on class
> > sounds interesting.  Haven't thought of that before.
> > I'll have to check out the web2ajax you referenced.
> > Rick
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [] On
> > Behalf Of Kinsbane
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 8:26 PM
> > To: jQuery (English)
> > Subject: [jQuery] generate AJAX data based on number of select elements
> > Okay, so I've been working with the Facebook Like autosuggest
> thing:
> ..
> > gine/
> > I've adapted it to my system to make a request system for whatever
> > literature people want. They select something from the results, and a
> > div (within a form) gets populated with a li and a select box with the
> > quantity they want of that piece of literature.
> > So I want to send this request to the server via AJAX/AHAH/AJAH
> > whatever, but I don't know how to dynamically include the SELECT
> > element's values into the data part of the $.ajax... I thought if
> > maybe I did a var for the different data fields, I could just pass
> > that one var to the $.ajax data option, but again, I'm stuck trying to
> > figure out how I can loop through the select elements with classname
> > of "litqty" and add them to the data var to pass to the $.ajax
> > function
> > $(function() {
> >         var reqData = {
> >                 $('.litqty').each(
> >                      //do something here to add it like this:
> >                      unique-id-or-name-of-select: value-of-select
> >                );
> >         }
> >         $("form#form_search_country").submit(function() {
> >                 $.ajax('submitLitRequest.php', {
> >                         data: reqData
> >                 }
> >         );
> > });
> > I hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance for any help !

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