You can't return anything rom $().each, and object literals are not
scope blocks, that won't work, it would have to be something like

$(function() {
        //serialize() creates a query string from the form elements
        var reqData = $('.litqty').serialize();

        $("form#form_search_country").submit(function() {
              $.post('submitLitRequest.php', reqData);
              return false;


On Apr 9, 5:02 pm, "" <>
> Ok I see your code from the above post now.
> var reqData = {
>                 $('select.litqty').each(
>                      $(this).attr('name') : $(this).val();
>                );
>         }
> This would get the name and value of each select.litqty
> Is this what you are trying to achieve??
> On Apr 9, 3:48 pm, "" <>
> wrote:
> > You are just trying to get the value of the select box and only the
> > select box???
> > So you have something like
> > <ul class="books">
> > <li> Book 1 <select class="litqty"><option...... /></select></li>???
> > <li> Book 2 <select class="litqty"><option...... /></select></li>
> > <li> Book 3 <select class="litqty"><option...... /></select></li>
> > <li> Book 4 <select class="litqty"><option...... /></select></li>
> > </ul>
> >  What do you need reqData to look like?

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