On 4/14/09 4:36 AM, "borutt" <borut.toma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm having problem with charset on searching value, that is returned
> in param "q".
> On main page and od page from where script search for data I have
> charset placed:
> main script:
> <meta HTTP-EQUIV='Content-Type' Content='text-html;
> charset=windows-1250'>

was the page with the form containing the input element explicitly served
with header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=Windows-1250"? (i check
headers sent in WebKit Inspector, i'm sure there are other ways.)

have you set the accept-charset attribute in the form?

if using php on the back end: have you set php's default_charset config
variable? are you using anything to encode the results sent from the search
script, e.g. htmlspecialchars() -- don't!

if using apache, have you checked that Windows-1250 is loaded as?

> search script:
> header( "Content-Type: text/html; charset=Windows-1250" );

jquery.autocomplete expects plain text back, so "Content-Type: text/plain;
charset=Windows-1250" might work better.

> I get some wierd characters when I use unicode characted like š,č,ž.

those characters appear in Windows-1250 and ISO 8859-2 in addition to

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