You have run into a fairly common issue: how to get events to work with elements that are added to the DOM, through either ajax or simple DOM mainpulation, after the "document ready" code has already fired.

This FAQ topic should answer your question:

If you still have problems after reading through it and trying one of the many solutions, let us know.


Karl Swedberg

On Apr 17, 2009, at 2:28 PM, Rogue Lord wrote:

Hey folks, I noticed that when I was using $.ajax() on a $('a').click
() to pull up an external page (eg "stats.php" within the same
folkder) within a div called #main_content that any link that was
pulled up in that would not have the same effects as outside of it. Is
there a way to pass the inheritance over to the links in the in div
that is holding the new page? I appreciate any advice before hand!

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