method: 'get'
should be:
type: 'get'

Try changing that to see if it works.

On May 7, 7:17 am, "Arak Tai'Roth" <> wrote:
> Hi there, so I am trying out jQuery recently, moving from MooTools,
> and needed to do some AJAX. Here is my code:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>         $('#events_box a.ajax_replace').click(function(e){
>                 e.preventDefault();
>                 $('.news_border').slideUp('slow');
>                 $.ajax({
>                         method: 'get',
>                         url: e.attr('href'),
>                         data: { 'do' : '1' },
>                         beforeSend: function(){
>                                 alert('beforeSend');
>                                 $('#loader').show('fast');
>                         },
>                         complete: function(){
>                                 alert('complete');
>                                 $('#loader').hide('fast');
>                         },
>                         success: function(html){
>                                 alert('success');
>                                 $('.news_border').html(html).show('slow');
>                         }
>                 });
>         });
> });
> As far as I have read on these groups, the documentation, and some
> tutorials I found this should work. Everything before the $.ajax
> request works fine, however nothing within the $.ajax gets processed.
> I'm pretty positive what I am using in the data: area is wrong, it's
> what I use in MooTools. However I have heard before that my current
> host (Dreamhost) requires data to be sent in an AJAX request in order
> to make it work, so I think I need to include something even though I
> need no actual data sent in this request. Taking out the data line
> does not fix the problem.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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