Something like the below?

(function($) {
                  $.fn.JSClock = function() {
                          setInterval(function() {
                               // code to get and write time here
                          }, 1000);


$(document).ready(function() {

On Apr 22, 2:13 pm, kiusau <> wrote:
> On Apr 22, 4:50 pm, Joseph Le Brech <> wrote:
> > cant you change your anonymous function for a seperate named function that 
> > takes in the html element name funcclock(elem, interval).
> > the fn command can run it once funcclock($(this));
> > the function can then rerun itself with setTimeout("funcname", interval);
> If I have understood your suggestion properly, you want me to imbed
> the html element to which the clock display is assigned inside the
> function that creates the clock.  As my idea is to build a jQuery
> method that I can assign to any HTML element, your suggestion appears
> counterproductive.  Or, have I misunderstood?
> Roddy

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