is this why you have to use setTimeout instead and have the previous loop send 
the instance of the object to the next cycle?

> Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 14:46:54 -0700
> Subject: [jQuery] Re: Infinite Recall Over a Fixed Interval
> From:
> To:
> jQuery obj vs HTML element has nothing to do with it. When you fire
> the function with setInterval or setTimeout it is executed in the
> global scope, so 'this' doesn't refer to the current object anymore,
> that was the problem.
> Just for fun, how about this to simplify it?
> jQuery.fn.JSClock = function() {
>   var self = this;
>   function pad(i) {
>       return (i < 10) ? '0'+i : i;
>   };
>   setInterval(function(){
>      var t = new Date();
>      self.text("Local Time: "+t.getHours()+":"+pad( t.getMinutes() )
> +":"+pad( t.getSeconds() );
>   }, 1000);
> };
> Or this to make it more complex? :)
> (has the advantage of starting immediately)
> jQuery.fn.JSClock = function() {
>   var self = this;
>   (function(){
>     var time = "Local Time: _Hours:_Minutes:_Seconds".replace(/_(\w+)/
> g, function(a,b){
>       var d = new Date()['get'+b]()
>         return d<10 ? '0'+d : d;
>       });
>       self.text( time );
>       setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000);
>   })();
> };
> I better get back to work...
> On Apr 23, 4:20 am, Joseph Le Brech <> wrote:
> > I often find that sometimes $(this).html will work.
> >
> >
> >
> > > Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 19:49:13 -0700
> > > Subject: [jQuery] Re: Infinite Recall Over a Fixed Interval
> > > From:
> > > To:
> >
> > > On Apr 22, 5:29 pm, James <> wrote:
> > > > Something like the below?
> >
> > > > (function($) {
> > > >                   $.fn.JSClock = function() {
> > > >                           setInterval(function() {
> > > >                                // code to get and write time here
> > > >                           }, 1000);
> > > >                    }
> > > > > })(jQuery);
> >
> > > In and of themselves the above and the following both fail. My guess
> > > is that this.html() object is not a proper reference.  I say this,
> > > because the code JSClock() does not interfere with the rest of my
> > > jQuery methods when placed inside the $.ready( ) method.
> >
> > > (function($) {
> > >    $.fn.JSClock = function() {
> > >            function timeFormat(i) {
> > >                    if (i < 10) {
> > >                            i="0" + i;
> > >                    }
> > >            return i;
> > >            }
> > >            setInterval(function() {
> > >                    var today=new Date();
> > >                    var h=today.getHours();
> > >                    var m=today.getMinutes();
> > >                    var s=today.getSeconds();
> > >                    m=timeFormat(m);
> > >                    s=timeFormat(s);
> > >                    this.html("Local Time: " + h +":"+ m +":"+s);
> > >            },500);
> > >    }
> > > })(jQuery);
> >
> > > $(document).ready(function() {
> > >    $('#flowers').writeColorOfFlower();
> > >    $('#today').toDate();
> > >    $('#clock').JSClock();
> > > });
> >
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