Hi again,

I have now reproduced the issue in Safari on PC and now Chrome on PC.
One of the user's reported a problem with this site:


Clicking back and forth between warehouse and services in the
aforementioned browsers sometimes breaks. A refresh fixes it. And it
never breaks on the initial load. So it appears to be a webkit issue
but I'm not sure exactly where it is going wrong...

Any ideas still much appreciated,

Kelvin :)

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Kelvin Luck <kelvin.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for the vague question but I'm wondering if there are any known
> issues with webkit browsers (e.g. Safari and Chrome) and jQuery 1.3?
> I've had quite a few queries from users of my jScrollPane plugin who
> have noticed issues with it on Safari on mac. They seem to be
> related to either document.ready firing at the wrong time or possibly
> to calculations of height going wrong.
> You can see some of the reports here:
> http://code.google.com/p/jscrollpane/issues/detail?id=60
> It also seems to be related to the state of the user's cache. One user
> said: "Scrollbar works correctly on first load, but breaks when one or
> more of the dependent files loads from the browser cache, specifically
> in Safari on Mac." while another said: "Loads frequently with no
> scrollbars at all, on refresh is fine.". This is what makes me wonder
> if the problem is related to document.ready...
> It seems like some people solved the problem by adjusting the order of
> the script and css files in the head of the document but this didn't
> work for everyone.
> I first started getting reports like this around the time jQuery 1.3
> came out and I don't think there were any previous to that. So it may
> be related to 1.3. But it could also be related to some changes I did
> at that time... I am asking my users to help me debug but I wondered
> if there was any known issues that might be causing this...
> Thanks for any ideas or pointers,
> Kelvin :)

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