On May 4, 11:33 am, Olivier Percebois-Garve <perceb...@gmail.com>
> Hi
> I'm puzzled with this :http://pastebin.me/49fef93928aff
> (in firebug click on the jquery object, then expand "0")
> Using empty() or remove() on the lis of a ul, it seems that jQuery is
> "faking" to remove them,
> i.e the lis will not be accessible by jQuery anymore, but in reality the
> childnodes are still there.
> Well, at least that's what I can believe from firebug. (Not sure who's
> the liar here jQuery, firebug, or me being dumb)
> I'm facing an issue that gets down to that, I really dont understand
> whats going on and how to handle it.
> (using jQuery 1.2.6)
> I hope I am missing the obvious. Am I ?
> -Olivier

The LIs you see in Firebug are you the ones you appended at the end of
your script:

The childNodes property is a live collection, it updates as you change
the DOM. Remove the line I mentioned and you'll see the LIs are being
removed correctly, or try appending more items to the list and you'll
see childNodes updating accordingly.

-- ricardo

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