That explains my issue very well and will save me a lot of headaches.

(and gives a few ideas for a debug plugin)

thank you


Ricardo wrote:
Could not make much sense out of your video either :D

The thing is: when you log an object or element in firebug, it's just
a reference to the object itself, not a snapshot of it at that instant
in time. It will always show the object as it is *now*. Try this in
the console:

x = {a:1};
x.a = 2;

You'll see that x.a == 2 in the object inspector, not 1. If you
further change x's properties they will continue to be updated in the
inspector. The printed line will not, it will keep showing "Object
a=1", ignore it.

On May 4, 3:30 pm, Olivier Percebois-Garve <>
Ricardo wrote:
On May 4, 11:33 am, Olivier Percebois-Garve <>
I'm puzzled with this : (in firebug click on the jquery object, then expand "0") Using empty() or remove() on the lis of a ul, it seems that jQuery is
"faking" to remove them,
i.e the lis will not be accessible by jQuery anymore, but in reality the
childnodes are still there.
Well, at least that's what I can believe from firebug. (Not sure who's
the liar here jQuery, firebug, or me being dumb)
I'm facing an issue that gets down to that, I really dont understand
whats going on and how to handle it.
(using jQuery 1.2.6)
I hope I am missing the obvious. Am I ? -Olivier
The LIs you see in Firebug are you the ones you appended at the end of
your script:
The childNodes property is a live collection, it updates as you change
the DOM. Remove the line I mentioned and you'll see the LIs are being
removed correctly, or try appending more items to the list and you'll
see childNodes updating accordingly.
-- ricardo
Ha !

Thank you very much, "live collection" explains it.
I already did what you said, but I could not make sense out of it.

Is this also solving my other weird issue ? Are object properties also
"live" ?
I had properties becoming "undefined" once I click the logged object :


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