There is some credence to this suggestion, but - for anyone who is familiar
with traditional coding concepts - what you're essentially saying is to go
out and learn everything about a library before using the library.  I don't
- for example - need to know anything about the SSL library in order to make
a call to SSL.  However, I should definitely know about the programming
language that I'm *making* *that call in*.

It's the same thing as jQuery.  If you know about javascript and you've used
it in the past, than treating jQuery as a library within javascript is
entirely acceptable.  Provided you're not mixing your jQuery calls with more
traditional javascript calls you'll be okay.

Many moons ago, on the first day of my beginning programming course, our
instructor told us that a good programmer could write code to do anything,
but that a great programmer could find somebody else who'd already done it.

Good luck!

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Matt Kruse <> wrote:

> On May 5, 9:13 am, kiusau <> wrote:
> > I remember someone in this forum also having said "jQuery IS
> > Javascript".  I believe them, but am obviously having difficulty
> > understanding in what way.
> I recommend studying the javascript language for a while, independent
> of jQuery.
> Understand the core concepts of the language and some of the trickier
> bits like scope, identifier resolution, object methods, and closures.
> Play with your own code until you really understand how it all works.
> Then, come back to jQuery and everything will make sense. jQuery is
> just one way to write javascript, and if you have a good understanding
> of the language then reading the source and understanding how it works
> will no longer be a challenge.
> Matt Kruse

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