Ok, perhaps that's a provocative subject line, but it is my basic
question. I'm testing jQuery's capacity for parsing XML files, and
have immediately hit the error:

Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012

This came simply from replicating the example at
http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2007/10/10/jquery-and-xml.html and running it
locally via File|Open (no server). If I run the code on Apache (http://
www.nottingham.ac.uk/~ntzfr/test/ajax/jquery/jquery_xml1.html) it
works fine.

A search for the error string shows that it's common and is caused by
a "cross-domain" XML request (strange as it's running locally), and a
couple of discussions suggest using JSON instead. Now, I'm not going
to recast my XML docs as JSON, so before I go any further I would like
to know if jQuery can be used to parse XML files on local disk? It has
to be local disk as this is for a desktop application which won't rely
on a live connection. If not, no bother, I'll use something else,
maybe Flash or Flex; if so, I'd appreciate tips as to how to get past
this fatal error.

Nothing's ever easy in the Javascript world... ;(



PS: Is there a way of getting notification of replies to a thread on
this group, anyone know?

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