On Jun 2, 6:42 pm, jsuggs <jsu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Basic answer, yes.  If you copied and pasted the example html, then
> the url parameter references "labels.xml", which would have to reside
> in the same directory as where you saved the html file. Also, don't
> forget that you also need the jquery file it references as well.
> So to more succinctly answer you question.  You will need to have
> three files in your local directory.
> 1) The html file.
> 2) The jquery file (named jquery.js in that example)
> 3) The xml file (named labels.xml)
> That should solve your problem.

After further testing, your solution does solve the problem in Firefox
and Opera but not in IE. So the test at
works fine in Firefox 3 and Opera online and locally with the "click
here" link expanding, but fails locally in IE7 and of course there are
no error messages. The following files are in the same directory:


This isn't the first time by far that IE has knackered my JS code (and
CSS for that matter), and indeed IE routinely adds 50% or more to my
webdev time, but I was hoping that jQuery functions always work cross-
browser. I'm aiming towards something like
where links read from a XML file are displayed in an iframe.

Any ideas why IE isn't behaving? If I can't get it to behave locally
then this project's off :(



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