Glad you found your own solution so fast, Blake!

If you want to slide the info divs up and down using the same link,
you could also use the nice toogle function. Then you just have to do
something like this:

$(".peekaboo").each( function() {
        $(this).click( function() {
                var parts = "_" );
                $("#peekaboo_" + parts[1]).toggle("slow");
                return false;

On 4 Jul., 23:30, Blake Senftner <> wrote:
> First off, I'd like to sincerely thank both olsch01 and charlie for  
> their help, as well as the superb website of list member Karl  
> Swedberg. Between their help and that web site, I have a completely  
> generalized solution I am very happy with!
> It was Karl'swww.learningjquery.comsite, and his article explaining  
> "What is 'this'?" that gave me a complete grasp of what was going on.
> So, now for any page that I want content to be available in sliding  
> down and up sections, I do this:
> 1) any links for data to be revealed have the class "peekaboo"
> 2) each link for data to be revealed has an id of the form  
> "reveal_someNumber", as in "reveal_1" and "reveal_3678"
> 3) each link for data to be hidden has an id of the form  
> "hide_someNumber"
> 4) each block of content that gets revealed and hidden has an id of  
> the form "peekaboo_someNumber"
> And here's the jquery that makes the magic:
>       // locate all page elements with the class "peekaboo":
>       $(".peekaboo").each( function() {
>                              // attach a click callback to our reveal-
> link:
>                              $(this).click( function() {
>                                               var parts =  
> "_" );
>                                               $("#peekaboo_" + parts
> [1]).slideDown();
>                                               return false;
>                                           });
>                              // 'this' is an element of class  
> 'peekaboo',
>                              // with an id holding key info:
>                              var elems = "_" ); // id  
> is of the form reveal_num
>                              // attach a click callback to our hide-
> link:
>                              $("#hide_" + elems[1]).click( function() {
>                                                                 var  
> parts = "_" );
>                                                                 $
> ("#peekaboo_" + parts[1]).slideUp();
> return false;
>                                                             });
>                            } // close anonymous function each callback
>                          );  // close 'each'
> Sincerely,
> -Blake

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