the problem with jquery animation effects is that you can easily chain
effects on a single element, but unless you specify a timer of some
description or utilise the callback, effects on different elements
will execute simultaneously as you're finding.

unfortunately you really aren't going to know how far into the
animation it is (you can find out by checking the opacity of the el,
but that's probably A Very Bad Idea) so whilst it seems like the most
obvious method, if you want to just stop  the new mouseover func
executing until the animation has finished you'd need to make the
mouseover function setTimeout("yourActualFunction("+el.attr('id')+")",
x)  where x is the max length the anim could be.

the nearest solution to what you want sounds like it would be using a
conditional statement to determine if there was a menu animation
happening on the initial mouseover event, and if there was checking
the element now under the cursor in the callback.

i'd be tempted to .stop() anything that's :animated on mouseover
before you start the new .fadeTo()   ;)

On Sep 25, 2:12 pm, Merlin <> wrote:
> does nobody have an idea? :-(
> On Sep 23, 5:13 pm, Merlin <> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > I am building huge list with subcategories in each category that fade
> > out once the mouse is placed over the category. It works great, BUT
> > the problem is, if your mouse goes down the list vertically and the
> > subcategories are fiew, then the obove subcategories fade out and your
> > mouse is over the next category which is causing the next menu to fade
> > in.
> > I would need a way to make jquerywaitto fade out the next menüuntil
> > the last one has disapeared. An area would be good, if the mouse
> > leaves the subcategory area fade out or similar.
> > Do you believe the callback function might be a solution? I could not
> > think about how. Here is the code I am using:
> > onmouseover="$('#51').slideToggle('fast');$('.subcategories:not
> > (#51)').hide(700);"
> > Thank you for any help!!
> > Merlin

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