The timeout sounds logical. I would like to try it, but somehow jquery
does not know that function:

I am pretty new to jquery. Could you post some code that fits into
this one:


On Sep 25, 4:42 pm, "ryan.j" <> wrote:
> the problem with jquery animation effects is that you can easily chain
> effects on a single element, but unless you specify a timer of some
> description or utilise the callback, effects on different elements
> will execute simultaneously as you're finding.
> unfortunately you really aren't going to know how far into the
> animation it is (you can find out by checking the opacity of the el,
> but that's probably A Very Bad Idea) so whilst it seems like the most
> obvious method, if you want to just stop  the new mouseover func
> executing until the animation has finished you'd need to make the
> mouseover function setTimeout("yourActualFunction("+el.attr('id')+")",
> x)  where x is the max length the anim could be.
> you might be able to do something clever with a conditional to
> determine if there was a menu animation happening on the initial
> mouseover event, and if there was checking the element now under the
> cursor in the callback, but since you have limited access to the
> callback of any existing events in progress you're always going to hit
> the problem of not being able to fully utilise that.
> i'd be tempted to .stop() anything that's :animated on mouseover
> before you start the new .fadeTo()   ;)
> On Sep 25, 2:12 pm,Merlin<> wrote:
> > does nobody have an idea? :-(
> > On Sep 23, 5:13 pm,Merlin<> wrote:
> > > Hi there,
> > > I am building huge list with subcategories in each category that fade
> > > out once the mouse is placed over the category. It works great, BUT
> > > the problem is, if your mouse goes down the list vertically and the
> > > subcategories are fiew, then the obove subcategories fade out and your
> > > mouse is over the next category which is causing the next menu to fade
> > > in.
> > > I would need a way to make jquerywaitto fade out the next menüuntil
> > > the last one has disapeared. An area would be good, if the mouse
> > > leaves the subcategory area fade out or similar.
> > > Do you believe the callback function might be a solution? I could not
> > > think about how. Here is the code I am using:
> > > onmouseover="$('#51').slideToggle('fast');$('.subcategories:not
> > > (#51)').hide(700);"
> > > Thank you for any help!!
> > >Merlin

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