not sure what you mean by "hack" or "abusing the ul/li elements"

only interpretation can think of for "abusing" is invalidation,  here's an example of large container div inside a sub in superfish.

here's the 100% validation thru w3c validator

Florent V. wrote:
there is no reason not to be able to build a mega menu inside UL/LI structure and this has been done in superfish

Sorry, but i think this is a mistake.

This is the kind of code that Superfish expects:

	<ul id="menu">
			<a href="">Category name</a>
			<ul class="submenu">...</ul>

You don't have to use a A element for the first-level name i think,
but you do have to use a UL for the submenu (while the "submenu" class
in this example is just for clarity, it's not required).

You can't do this, as part of the features of Superfish will then

	<ul id="menu">
			<a href="">Category name</a>
			<div class="submenu">...</div>

Sure, you can try to use a UL element for the submenu, put a unique LI
inside, and then stuff whatever content you want in that LI (someone
is giving that advice here, as the first name is the same it could be
you ;)
If you do that, it will work, but it'll be a hack (you're abusing the
UL/LI elements). You may use a UL for the submenu, and use a set of LI
elements for different contents, say a first LI for a top image,
another LI for some inner title, a set of LI for links, another LI for
a second inner title, another set of LI for links, and a final LI for
a bottom image. That will work, but once again this is abusing the
basic HTML semantics. Of course if you don't care about semantics and
accessibility, that's not an issue. I happen to care. :)

I see a few different “good” answers to that problem. One is to amend
Superfish to make it more flexible (i.e. make this a configuration
option, test, document). One is to declare that Superfish is not meant
for mega-dropdowns or any rollover menu that needs anything else than
an unordered list of links for a submenu, which would be a perfectly
valid answer too. I vote for the first answer, though. And i may have
missed a few other solutions. But abusing HTML semantics is not a
solution in my book. I may resort to it if i really need to, but i
think it should be avoided.

Thanks for the input.


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