We're going in circles here.

> showed you an example of a multi column div in a sub,
> had <h> tags, image, and assorted other markup....
> did you even look at it?
> Plugin code was untouched, any adjustemnts were done with css

Yes i did look at that example, and analyzed the HTML code for it. Yes
it works. Yes it uses Superfish with no hacks to the plugin.

BUT, this example is using a UL with a single LI element that's
assuming the role of a semantically neutral container (for styling
purposes). In HTML, the only block-level semantically neutral
container is the DIV element. Period. This is what the HTML 4 and
HTML5 specs say. Which is why i believe this solution that works
visually is not good enough.

The YUI example is a good example because they are using the right
elements for the job: two nested DIVs. (They could use just one for
that example, but i suppose they want to offer a simple template with
more styling hooks for users.)

You then wrote: “The exact same markup in YUI example bellow works
perfectly well.......no hacks needed”. This is wrong. Can you REALLY
use the same HTML markup as the YUI, and make the full Superfish
functionnality work? I can do that... by hacking the Superfish source.

The problem i'm talking about is a problem of HTML semantics. I'm not
asking if you can do a mega-dropdown with Superfish, because you can,
as your first example shows, and as my own tests showed me even before
that. I'm saying that you can't do it using the adequate HTML
elements, which i think is a problem. Not a huge problem, but a
problem nonetheless.

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