I'm installing GE now, but it would be great if you could create a
sample test-page to highlight this particular behaviour.
(and exclude everything else from that page, for easier further testing).

On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 6:37 PM, jmatthews <jmatth...@xexam.net> wrote:
> I tried that, too.
> This is some bizarre behavior.  It is not at all what you would
> predict.
> Let me show you the Firebug-generated html tree below.
> <td class="Senate" style="font-size: 12px; color: black; font-style:
> normal; text-decoration: none; cursor: default; border-spacing: 0pt;">
> Senate
>     <table>
>        <tbody>
>           <tr>
>               <td id="ALSenatePlacemarks"
> class="outerTableForPlacemarksTable">
>                    <table class="placemarkTable">
>                        <tbody>
>                            <tr class="placemarkTableRow">
>                                <td class="marginSpaceBeforeCheckBox"/
>                                <td class="dottedCheckBoxColumn"></td>
>                                <td class="checkBoxColumn"></td>
>                                <td class="placemark">Lowell Ray
> Barron</td>
>                            </tr>
>                            <tr class="placemarkTableRow"></tr>
>                            <tr class="placemarkTableRow"></tr>
>                            <tr class="placemarkTableRow">
>                            etc....
> This is a series of nested tables, and the nesting is pretty deep, due
> to html acting goofy.  I had to nest that deep to get it to work.
> Mousing over class="placemark" causes it to fire as if there was a
> mouseover on class="Senate."  "placemark" has its own class, separate
> from the "senate" class.
> To see this in action, here is the link.
> http://www.sovereignstates.net/StateLegislators/VSLegislators.htm
> It requires the Google Earth API and will prompt you to load it.
> (It's nice to have, as GE is no longer just a desktop-restricted thing
> anymore).
> After the Google API installs, the page should load.  The initial load
> is slow because it is a map with lots of point data.  You should see
> the US come up with colored states.  Once it has loaded the first
> time, subsequent loads will be fast as it stays in the browser  cache.
> Click on the Alabama Senate.  It will open a scroll within the scroll
> on the left, showing Alabama's senator's names.  When you mouse over
> senator names, the system interprets that as ALSO a mouseover the
> "Senate" label at the top.  This should not be the case.
> In any event, the senator names are, quite literally, great-great-
> great-great grandchildren of the "Senate" label.  How on earth would
> mousing over the gggg grandchild be the same as mousing over its
> ascendant 6 generations above?
> The only thing I can think of is the mouseover (including mouseleave)
> thinks these are equivalent because the gggg grandchildren are seen as
> the innerhtml of the "Senate" label.
> Thanks to all of you who have tried to help.
> This is really perplexing, and once it is solved, there needs to be a
> monument set up for the person who solves it.  Seriously, though, the
> issue, once resolved, would be worthy of a write-up in the reference
> guide, because there is some odd behavior occurring that Jquery fails
> to describe anywhere that I have seen.
> Also, if you are on your toes, you will note that the senator names
> italicize, but do not turn blue, when you mouseover them.  So, it is
> somehow (God knows!) getting PART of the class of the gggg
> grandchild.  The placemark class instructs to not italicize and not
> turn blue.  So, it does not turn blue (good), but it does italicizes
> (bad).

Andrei Eftimie
+40 758 833 281


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