> Mousing over class="placemark" causes it to fire as if there was a
> mouseover on class="Senate."  "placemark" has its own class, separate
> from the "senate" class.

This behaviour is actually the way it supposed to be.
mouseover and mouseout fire on each entering / exiting of the elements
and ever element descendants border.

You would want mouseenter and mouseleave to fire *only* on the trigger
element, and ignore its descendants.

> Click on the Alabama Senate.  It will open a scroll within the scroll
> on the left, showing Alabama's senator's names.  When you mouse over
> senator names, the system interprets that as ALSO a mouseover the
> "Senate" label at the top.  This should not be the case.

See above.

> In any event, the senator names are, quite literally, great-great-
> great-great grandchildren of the "Senate" label.  How on earth would
> mousing over the gggg grandchild be the same as mousing over its
> ascendant 6 generations above?

Not sure on the specific details right now, but check
http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_mouse.html for an explanation.

> Also, if you are on your toes, you will note that the senator names
> italicize, but do not turn blue, when you mouseover them.  So, it is
> somehow (God knows!) getting PART of the class of the gggg
> grandchild.  The placemark class instructs to not italicize and not
> turn blue.  So, it does not turn blue (good), but it does italicizes
> (bad).

Not sure, but I think this is actually because table element does only
inherit some css properties.
(At least I remember it does so in quirksmode)

Andrei Eftimie
+40 758 833 281


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