On Nov 25, 12:27 pm, jonnyvegasss <jonnyvega...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> When the Listener clicks the CLOSE button on the modal window, I would
> like it to be able to a. close the modal window and or refresh the
> parent window. I am not a Java programmer, but am learning things as I
> go.

We're all learning as we go, even learning little trivia like the fact
that Java and JavaScript are entirely independent languages with only
some superficial similarities.  :-)

I posted a response to a similar question the other day.  The thread
is at


The basic idea is to simply use a timer in the parent window to watch
for when the child window is closed, then perform your logic there.

Check out http://jsbin.com/usuco (code: http://jsbin.com/usuco/edit)
to see it in action.

  -- Scott

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