Thanks a million Scott!

This worked perfectly for what I needed! At 1st I had a problem
because I forgot to remove the initial javascript from prettyphoto,
without the callback line init. But soon enough I figured it out LOL

again, I just want to say thanks! If you have a website er somethign
you want to promote, let me know. I'll be happy to mention it on the

Thanks again!


On Nov 27, 7:14 am, Scott Sauyet <> wrote:
> On Nov 25, 3:46 pm, jonnyvegasss <> wrote:
> > That seems to be exactly what I need. I'm just not sure how, where to
> > add something like that. I apologize for my ignorance, but as I said
> > I'm learning LOL!
> I'm sorry, it looks as though I didn't read your original closely
> enough.  I thought you were talking about a true modal window rather
> than the prettyPhoto popup.  I looked at the prettyPhoto documentation
> (, and buried in the customization tab of
> the Setup section is the set of options you can pass into the
> prettyPhoto function.  Among these are things like animationSpeed,
> padding, and opacity, and one called "callback", which takes a
> function to be run when prettyPhoto closes.  (Most similar scripts
> have a name that's a bit more descriptive, such as "onClose".)
> To use this, you need to pass to the prettyPhoto function an object
> with certain properties.
> Because I led you astray before, I'm going to explain this in detail.
> But first, here's the solution I think you need:
>     $(document).ready(function(){
>         $("a[rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto({
>             callback: function() {window.location.reload(true);}
>         });
>     });
> You can see this in action 
> here:
> ========================================
> Explanation:
> prettyPhoto allows you to supply a number of optional arguments.  They
> are wrapped up in a single JavaScript object, which you can create
> with this syntax:
>     {
>         option1: "value1",
>         option2: 7,
>         anotherOption: ["a", "four", "element", "list"],
>         stillAnother: function() {doSomething(); return false;},
>         finalOption: false
>     }
> It's an unordered list of name-value pairs, separated by commas,
> surrounded by curly braces, and with a colon between each name and
> value.  The values can be strings, numbers, arrays, functions,
> booleans, other objects, essentially any JavaScript values.
> For prettyPhoto, the options might look like this:
>     var myOptions = {
>         animationSpeed: 'slow',
>         padding: 25,
>         opacity: 0.5,
>         callback: function(){doSomething();}
>     }
> Then you could call
>     $("selector").prettyPhoto(myOptions);
> As the only option we need is the one named "callback", we can simply
> do this:
>     $("a[rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto({
>         callback: function() {doSomething();}
>     });
> And as to the function we call, this is pretty self-descriptive:
>     window.location.reload(true);
> Putting that together inside a document ready event, we get the code I
> supplied above.  I hope that all makes sense.
> ========================================
> > Also, I looked at the links you posted, and I don't see the parent
> > window refreshing after the child window is closed.
> I was just trying to show how to call a function when a child window
> closed.  I didn't actually refresh the page, just ran an alert.
> Good luck,
>   -- Scott

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