Thanks for the suggestions folks, I tried
var $html = $("#DivID").html();
$("br", $html).replaceWith("\r\n");
but it doesn't seem to work, but it's something like that I thought I
might be able to get funky and do - I had a look at the JQ homepage
docs, but as you can see they are a little sparse in the different
ways of using the methods beyond the basics - can anyone else think of
a way, or is that (as I suspect) not what they are intended for?

WRT replace and
>> jQuery is not the answer for everything, sometimes simple JavaScript
>>(which deep down jQuery is using anyways) is the solution

I think a regex is the way to go, if there isn't any neat way of doing
it with replaceAll/With as I mentioned above, as the brs seem to be
slightly odd - I put them in as <br /> but if I alert() the div's html
() they come out as <BR>

On Dec 9, 4:11 pm, MorningZ <> wrote:
> "but I can't quite get my head around how to use those methods"
> The docs:
> would be the place to understand those methods, which just reading the
> first few lines of each
> "Replaces the elements matched by the specified selector with the
> matched elements"
> "Replaces all matched elements with the specified HTML or DOM
> elements"
> makes it pretty clear they are not for simple text replace...
> $('#TextAreaID').val($('#DivID').html().replace("<br />", ""));
> jQuery is not the answer for everything, sometimes simple JavaScript
> (which deep down jQuery is using anyways) is the solution

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