I would really recommend the listen plugin for jQuery by Aaron
Flesler. It's an excellent plugin that also fixes the focus/blur bug
in IE6. Have been using it for over two years now (before live() was
implemented), and it also have good support for the dblclick event:

/ Johan

On 25 Dec, 02:28, Šime Vidas <sime.vi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 3. I have set this response as the content of an empty div.
> > That select element appears well, but maybe it doesn't appear as a DOM
> > member, so that's why I can't attach an event handler to it.
> If you place HTML code inside an element that is in the DOM tree (like
> the empty DIV in your example), than the code gets parsed and all HTML
> elements inside the code are added to the DOM tree...
> Basically, if you can see it on the page, than it's in the DOM
> tree....
> I noticed in your code above, you used the wrong name for the
> method... it's called "change", not "onchange"....
>  $('#term2').change(function(){
>    window.location = "http://www.google.com/";;
>  }

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