> Any ideas? Many thanks in advance.

Without looking into it too much I can't see the cause of the

... however, site design wise, would it not be better to have the
buttons expand an area on the page to show the information?  You could
have the divs all created prior to the page loading (much like you do
now [as a side note here, hiding the divs in the definition would be a
good idea as when it loads up slowly it shows them before hiding
them]) then just using the $("#divid").show("slow"); when clicking on
them (and hiding the currently open one).

I know that isn't exactly the answer you were looking for - but it
should help out.  For reference, you can change CSS type properties
directly with a call like this :

document.getElementById("NAMEOFDIV").style.width = 10;

I can't remember how to do it in a more jquery like way at the moment.

Paul Hutson

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