Hi all

I apologize if this problem has been post or report.

I have a problem using jQuery 1.4 when i use
$("#mySelect").change(function(){...my logic...})

This problem only occurs in IE. 6-8 all have the same problem and jQuery
1.3.2 does not have this problem.

This problem occurs when I bind a "change" event on a select and when the
page is loaded the selected option is not the first one.
What will happen is when I click on the select and not even have a chance to
choose my option, the "change" event is fired. But after the first change,
things works normally.

i made a simple sample here:
http://jsbin.com/apufa/ <http://jsbin.com/apufa/edit>

you will notice when you click on the select the alert will fire, but it
should only be fired when i actually change the option.

is this a bug?


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