Thanks so much for taking the time for writing this tutorial. I see
how this is effective. I attempted to do similar things with the XML

The Data Objects for JSON are much more simplistic structurally, and a
little obtuse for reading visually. As I mentioned this simply is a
model that I am working on to traverse XML. The content is not
important. That I am able to traverse it is important. In a real world
application of this I would be working from an XML delivery. It does
not really make too much sense to convert the XML into JSON, though it
may make sense to have JSON be an output method for the mechanism
delivering the info (something to consider)....

I will look into using an array for building the output, since I am
passing the parent=>child variables I should be able to appendTo
("div")  when I am done now. In a more complex layout I would worry
about ID, but for now since there is only one I do not need to worry
about it. The Location node was created to add a level of relationship
to be traversed. You could look at it as a product with variations,
there are Product attributes and Variant attributes all wrapped up in
one little bundle. Definitely not a mapping app that I am working on,
just the structure lent itself to my test, and also a number of
tutorials seems to use locational info.

I think that this XML parser could be more efficient in two ways.
First in traverse methodology, there has to be some way to declare
objects at the top and then process them. Additionally abstracting the
process for setting attributes as variables is a place this could get

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