This is better. The arrays are much more efficient, and I cut the code
by more than half. I know, I know JSON, I will get there, this is
teaching me way more though. I still would like to be able to
determine my level of nesting abstractly, and also getting out non-
standard attributes.

BTW processed over 50K lines in ~5seconds no errors.

  function parseXml(xml) {
                var PARENTarr = jQuery.makeArray($(this).find
                var CHILDarr = jQuery.makeArray($(PARENTarr).find
                        $.each(PARENTarr, function(i){
                                                var PfromA = $(this);
                                                var Pid = $(this).attr
                                                var Cid = $(CHILDarr
>"+Pid +"<br/>" + Cid +"<br/>");
                                                        var CHILDattrs
= jQuery.makeArray($(this).find('>element'));
CHILDid = $(this).attr('label') +": "+ $(this).text();
("div").append(CHILDid +"<br/>");

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