In my process i configure one file that has the list of the files on the 

in the company i currently work we use ruby

so we have a yaml file as the config file for jammit (the gem that packages the 

we list all the files and its dependencies manually (this file is only updated 
like once a month)

in our deployment process we run jammit and and the gem provides us with 
methods that include the files.

on development includes all development files for debugging
on production and staging includes packaged files

On Mar 5, 2011, at 3:28 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 1:20 PM, fernando trasvina <> wrote:
>> yes  that could be one idea i think that some of of the previously posted 
>> libraries are good doing that, but i would go with a minifier on the server 
>> rather than downloading files separately
>> you can even mix the files to create different packages for special needs 
>> you may have.
> I'm curious how folks are specifying these mixes for building files
> ready for production? Do you make manual lists by resolving file
> dependencies yourself? Do you build the files and use the built files
> (perhaps not minified) even in development? Is ant, make, rake, etc
> involved? Do you have your IDE set up to build all files when you save
> any one file?
> Peter
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