Define a namespace (if you already haven't one) and store that array
somewhere inside that namespace.

For instance:

    var BRAMS = BRAMS || {};

And then: = /* your array */;

On Sep 29, 1:29 pm, Brams <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been researching this for quite a while now and I still didn't get a
> definitive answer on this.
> I have a huge JSON array that needs to be saved on my page. I will be
> extracting/looping/iterating over this array in certain cases when the user
> clicks on a specific button.
> Now I'm faced with two options on where to store this huge JSON array:
> 1- In a JavaScript global variable
> 2- Or using the $.data function and store the array under some DOM element
> i.e. $('body').data("my_array", {.....});
> Which is one is better? are they the same? is one slower over the other?
> what's the best practice in this case?
> Thanks in advance for your input guys!

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