Šime Vidas  wrote:
>> In my opinion discard the data, saving the cost of a DOM access.
> Afaik, setting/getting .data() does not include an additional
> performance penalty (as in page reflow), since jQuery's global cache
> object is used to store the data.

Correct, there is no reflow, and nothing else extremely expensive.

> If a reference to the DOM element exists beforehand, ergo, no selector
> query is performed, then:
>     $( elem ).data( 'arr', arr );
> and
>     $( elem ).data( 'arr' );
> perform well.

Two things, though.  First, this will definitely (there I go making
claims without empirical evidence again, but I'm quite certain!) be
slower than direct access to a global object.  Second, if you have a
reference to a DOM element laying around, why not have a reference
directly to the array laying around?  What would it gain?

  -- Scott

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