Hans Bergsten wrote:

> You should also be able to use the JSP engine from JWSDK 1.0 with Apache JServ,
> at least the parts that don't rely on Servlet 2.1 features. The EA included
> instructions for how to configure it for Apache JServ but I can't find them in
> the latest JWSDK version.

Earlier we tried to get JSP 1.0 work as part of Jserv in Apache. But that didn't
work very well because there were parts in JSP 1.0 that depended on Servlet 2.1 and
things only get worse with JSP 1.1 getting more and more dependent on Servlet 2.1
and 2.2. The right thing to do is use Apache with Jakarta (see jakarta.apache.org)
when it is available. Stay tuned for Jakarta.

Peace, Anil +<:-)

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