"Open Source," not that I'm aware of.  Resin 1.0 is free for commercial use, supports
Apache 1.3.9, Servlet 2.1, and JSP 1.0 and has source.  It's not "open source"
because you can't redistribute it or "borrow" Caucho code.  The difference doesn't
really matter unless you're Allaire, IBM, Sun, Netscape, etc. or starting a new

Scott Ferguson
Caucho Technology

Christopher Cobb wrote:

> This is true, and I eager await the delivery of Jakarta.  But that's not available
> yet.  Is there an open source solution that supports the full Servlet 2.1 spec and
> the JSP 1.0 spec?
> cc
> Carsten Heyl wrote:
> > But the lesson I learned with jrun:
> >
> >         If you run into troubles
> >
> >                 - you don't have the source
> >                 - you don't get an answer when asking for help
> >                   (we had problems on NT)
> >
> > >"Joseph B. Ottinger" wrote:
> > >
> > >> I'm trying to get JSP running on Apache 1.3.9. ...
> > >
> > >We use Apache with JRun.  Works like a charm.
> > >
> > >cc
> > >
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> > Ciao,
> >         Carsten Heyl
> >
> >   Carsten Heyl                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >   NADS - Solutions on Nets              http://www.nads.de/
> >   NADS GmbH                             http://www.pixelboxx.de/
> >   Hildebrandtstr. 4E                    Tel.: +49 211 933 02-90
> > D-40215 Duesseldorf                     Fax.: +49 211 933 02-93

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