Maybe the trick is to use JSP in moderation.  My opinion is that if you put
lots of Java code into your JSP file, you'll have maintenance and structural
problems.  It is better to only use small snippets of embedded Java.  It is
even better to use beans or directives, and in some cases better yet to use
tag extensions (if you're lucky enough to be using JSP 1.1).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dmitri Namiot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 2:43 PM
> Subject: Re: Query on JSP !!
> Agreed, reading JSP pages is not an easy deal.
> So why we are developed our alaJSP stuff. You can
> treat it as a "simplified" JSP and in the same time
> avoid using separate templates.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Well, we got a bit different view: servlet in its nature has its own
>  advantage over JSP. You (close enough) separate your presentation and
>  your business logic and this is how you develop mission-critical
>  components/applications. We wrote lot of servlet (at least 10,000
>  lines/each) and take the approache that having HTML
> templates loaded into
>  memory and fill in by tags. The servlets then read the templates and
>  replace the tags by appropriate values. Reading a JSP page
> (writtem by some
> body) is not really a pleasure work
> ColdJava: java server side programming
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