At 12:08 PM 5/9/00 , David Wall wrote:
> > ColdFusion has an advantage that it has a low learning curve. I am not as
> > experienced with JSP to comment on the relative speed of development.
> > Since CF is easier to learn an application can be developed quickly.

Yeah, CF does have a low learning curve, which IMHO is one of its greatest
faults.  Yeah, you read that correctly, its a fault.  Because of the low
barrier to entry it allows anyone with a Windows or Linux box to throw
together some hacked up CF and voila, you have a dynamic site.  Of course,
such poor programming practices lead to poor scaling, among other problems.

My experience has shown that one of the largest downfalls of CF programmers
is their database skills or the DB behind their application.  The net
result is that the programmers use CF to do data manipulation which could
be done in SQL or stored procedures causing huge performance
bottlenecks.  Or, the DB was designed poorly thereby making it nearly
impossible to retrieve the intended data from the database in a useful manner.

>Does CF combine the "three tiers" (presentation, business logic/services,
>database) into a single platform?  Multi-tier systems tend to handle changes
>better, such as the inclusion of a desktop app or java applet as a client,
>or a switch to using phone-based (WAP or DTMF) or PDA-based front ends --
>that is, anything that is NOT a web browser, which is just one of the many
>front ends used by people these days.

No, its really 2-tiered.  The presentation and application logic are
intimately tied together, though this can be alleviated with some creative
programming.  The DB is any ODBC compliant RDBMS (Oracle, Sybase, Access

> > In terms of performance ColdFusion has to be parsed to the CFusion Server.
> > your application has been coded keeping performance in mind then it should
> > not be a problem. I have recoded most applications to improve performance
> > with great results. Jsp has to be compiled into servlets which may be a
> > performance issue sometimes(correct me if I am wrong).
>JSPs are compiled once -- unless they are changed.  Is that the same for CF,
>or does CF reparse each time (ala ASP).

CF will replace the code if it notices a changed modified date on the
file.  This can be suppressed and the script is only parsed the first time
it is hit if so desired, which is the norm for a production server.

Dean H. Saxe
Product Evolutionist

Rock is dead...
Long live Paper and Scissors.

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