Check your code again. It looks like you are taking a list of recipients
delimited by ';' and ',', parsing it into separate tokens, converting the
individual addresses into Address[] and then using
MimeMessage.addReceipients to add the individual addresses. You should
either remove the loop and add all of the addresses at once using:

      if (bcc != null) {
             Address[] bccaddress = InternetAddress.parse(bcc);
            msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, bccaddress);


       if (bcc != null) {
         strTokbcc = new StringTokenizer(bcc,";,");
         while(strTokbcc.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String strbcc = (strTokbcc.nextToken());
            Address bccaddress = new InternetAddress(strbcc);
            msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.BCC, bccaddress);



At 09:53 AM 9/25/2002 +0700, you wrote:
>//Set the BCC address of the Recipients
>       if (bcc != null) {
>         strTokbcc = new StringTokenizer(bcc,";,");
>           while(strTokbcc.hasMoreTokens()) {
>            String strbcc = (strTokbcc.nextToken());
>             Address[] bccaddress = InternetAddress.parse(strbcc);
>           msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, bccaddress);
>           }
>       }
>I use this peice of code to send bcc for multiple bcc addresses in my my
>mail application, But if I send I am able to
>see the To information in the bcc address, which should not be seen,
>Can you tell me where I am wrong?
>Thanks in advance!
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