I'm currently trying to get an error page working on a small app we've
writen and am having some trouble. We're using a JSP front end with struts
and an ejb to communicate with the database. In the web.xml file I've
deffined an <error-page> tag for 500 and Servletexception, which seems to
work. My currenbt problem is with the JSP pages. I've put a <%@ page
errorPage="../ErrorPage.jsp" %> at the top of every file (obviously with
the correct path fo files at different levels), but am having a problem
with files included with the <jsp:include> tag.

If an error is thrown on a sub page, it seems to be loading the error page
instead of the sub page. How can I get it to load the error page over the
top of the current page and not have it inserted into the current page...?
Do I need <%@ page errorPage="..."> tags on every file, including sub


Bob Arnott
Software Engineer, Consulting
Accelrys Ltd.
334 Cambridge Science Park
Cambridge, CB4 0WN
+44 (0) 1223 228621

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