> Yup, semua juga depends ama CPU n memory. Tapi seperti yang ditulis  
> sebelumnya, ehcache kan depends on JVM memory, and ehcache pake  
> memory reference, no marshall/unmarshall. jadi kalo cache yang ingin  
> dipakai itu besr, memory reference ga gitu guna lagi donk?

if you mean that "my cache is huge (and can't be put in the same  
JVM)", you can use ehcache server (restlful/soap).
but i havent used it, so i can't give opinion :)

salam hangat,
Thomas Wiradikusuma

On 22 Agu 08, at 10:06, Eka Heksanov wrote:

> can you describe more about this?
> any caching solution (ehcache, memcached, etc) depends on memory and  
> CPU right?
> and just curious, why would you need a 1TB cache? :D
> why would you need a 1TB cache?
> Bersiap untuk sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi ga salah kan? Like what  
> ebay do, prepare for the 10x :)
> mysql is still free right? or they're charging for master-slave?
> Its free of course, otherwise it wont be that popular :). Tapi  
> maksud saya, dengan cost utk beli 5 MySQL server misalnya bukannya  
> kita bisa beli lebih banyak memcache server :)
> Cheers,
> Eka Heksanov Lie

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