xsalefter wrote:
>> Pakai Hibernate, kalo belum kena LazyInitializationException, 
>> berarti belum benar2 pake dan ngerti konsepnya. ;p
>> LazyInitializationException itu bukan gara2 Spring MVC.
> Ini commentnya si gavin di seam doc: (The Hibernate team is truly fed
> up with copping the blame for LazyInitializationExceptions, which are
> not really Hibernate's fault, but rather the fault of the extremely
> limiting persistence context model supported by stateless
> architectures such as the Spring framework or the traditional
> stateless session facade (anti)pattern in J2EE.)
> Resolve-nya sudah saya baca di java persistence with hibernate, tapi
> kadang-kadang masih suka nongol, terutama di One-To-Many relationship
> dan embedded persistence class, kayak:
> String currentCity = order.getPerson().getAddress().getCity(); // ..
> etc.. etc.. etc..
> atau
> order.getOrderDetails().iterator().next(); // etc etc etc...

Sebenarnya Bung Gavin sudah bertindak lebih jauh dari itu.
Bung Gavin sudah menciptakan JavaEE Framework yang bernama JBoss Seam.
Kalau pakai JSF+EJB3+Seam maka LazyInitializationException
adalah masa lalu. He he he. Alternatif dari Seam juga gampang yaitu
konfigurasi Fetch.EAGER di JPA.

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