Sorry to add more wood to the pile, but 1.14.0 needs to go out, basically now.

Shows three issues (one is merged on trunk, but needs backporting)

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Tim Penhey <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Lets start with the target: we have Saucy being released next month, and
> we want to get a rocking release done for that.
> Working backwards, and giving ourselves a week slack (which we will end
> up needing) before final freeze, takes us roughly to the end of September.
> I'd like to see where we are on our targets, and work out what we can
> get done in the next three weeks that makes as many people happy as
> possible.
> 1. MAAS Tag support
> This seems to be a key need for a number of engagements we have, and
> also a reason why some MAAS/Juju demos are still using pyJuju.  We have
> talked about this a lot, but I haven't seen any other movement or
> progress on it.
> What is the current state of play with the provider or cloud specific
> constraints?  Does anyone see real blockers to having MAAS tag
> deployment constraints done in the next three weeks?  Who is going to be
> the lead on this?  William?
> 2. Container Pain
> Right now we don't have a way to restrict the users creating containers
> that they cannot address.  I propose that we add a method to the
> environment interface that is SupportsContainers() bool.  This can then
> be used to stop people at least creating containers that they can't use.
> This I think we need to do in the next three weeks, and make sure the
> add-machine and deployment commands respect whether containers are
> supported or not.  Currently the only provider that actually supports
> containers is MAAS.
> Next I think we should have SupportedContainers() on a machine.
> Different machines can support different containers.  However I'm not
> sure we should do this in the next three weeks, so will be the focus of
> a different email.
> 3. API only non-bootstrap agents
> How close are we on this one?  I know we have been making good progress,
> but what is the likelihood of this being done in the next three weeks?
> 4. Manual provisioning, Manual bootstrap, Null provider
> I think we are making good progress on this, and should have this in.
> 5. KVM containers
> I have some work done by Robie Basak that provides us with some command
> line tools for having images available, and starting/stopping and
> listing kvm containers.  This needs someone on it, possibly me, to take
> it further.  Based on the newness of the tools, I have about a 50%
> confidence rating on this right now.
> 6. Container addressability for EC2 / Openstack
> I don't know where this is at right now.  Can Martin please fill us in.
> 7. Simplestream tools
> I talked with Ian earlier and he thinks there is about another week of
> work to polish this up and add documentation.  This will really help the
> use of Juju in private clouds, or non-certified public clouds.
> 8. What else do we have that is new or note worthy that we are working
> on in the next three weeks?
> Cheers,
> Tim
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