As promised partners making use of juju as part of the OpenStack
Interoperability Lab (OIL)  include:

   - IBM
   - Microsoft
   - Intel
   - AMD
   - HP
   - Juniper
   - Lenovo
   - Melanox
   - Metaswitch
   - OCP (Open Compute Project)
   - SanDisk
   - VMWare

There are actually quite a few more, but that should give you some
confidence that we are building traction with many infrastructure providers
of all kinds.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 4:33 PM, Mark Ramm-Christensen ( <> wrote:

> Well, I can provide a few things off the top of my head that should help.
>    - Canonical is fully committed to Juju as the way we deploy software
>    internally, the way we deploy Open Stack clouds for our largest clients
>    - Windows workloads are supported in the current beta version of Juju,
>    and should after a bit of real-world testing be fully supported in one of
>    the next (bi-monthly) production ready releases.
>    - CentOS support is nearly feature complete, and should enter a beta
>    release of Juju for testing within the next month.  Like windows it will
>    flow to a production release after it's had some real-world tests.
> There are quite a few big companies working on juju charms.  IBM for
> example is delivering quite a few charms and has committed multiple full
> time development resources to working with juju.
> There are also quite a few other big names working on juju charms -- many
> of them in the OpenStack space.  I'll get a list of folks who are already
> public about being part of our juju based openstack integration labs for
> you as soon as I can.
> We also have some big plans for products built on top of juju.  The first
> of which is the OpenStack Autopilot which automates the deployment,
> scale-out, and management of OpenStack clouds.   But, we are also building
> more products on top of Juju right now, and it is core to our future plans
> in the cloud.
> So, to make a long story short, I think juju is gaining traction with some
> big enterprise players, Canonical is fully committed to Juju, and we are
> seeing momentum pick up in the marketplace.   So, I personally would
> definitely bet on a bright future for Juju.
> --Mark Ramm
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 4:01 PM, Merlijn Sebrechts <
>> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm interested in what the future of Juju is. From the small experience
>> I've had with it, it seems like a product with a lot of potential. It fills
>> a gap in our project that no other technology can fill. Its biggest
>> strength is how relations between services are managed. This is something
>> that, to my knowledge, does not exist in any tool today. It enables a very
>> modular approach and solves a lot of problems we would have with other
>> tools.
>> However, I've also seen some things that worry me. Even after three
>> years, there are still a lot of bugs in the project. The documentation is
>> lacking, especially in the parts of Juju that are the most competitive. The
>> community is also very small. The fact that it can still only manage Ubuntu
>> servers worries me too. I could go more into detail here, but I don't think
>> it is relevant to this question.
>> I'm considering starting a big long-term project on top of Juju. The
>> project would be very dependent on Juju, so I don't want to do this if
>> there is a chance that Juju will be abandoned in 5 years...
>> What can you tell me about the future of Juju? Things I'm interested in:
>> - Big companies building services on top of Juju
>> - Statements of long-term commitment from Canonical
>> - Usage statistics
>> - Statements of commitment to support other distro's
>> - .. or else, signs that Juju doesn't have a bright future.
>> Thanks
>> --
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