I agree its a bit of an ask, but that also being said, if you turned round
to a sys admin and said "hey look at this tomcat charm, you can scale it to
100 nodes" and they say "how do I monitor it?" and you reply "well you
can't", they'll say, "I'll use x,y,z other tool instead then thanks".

First puppet module I google: https://github.com/example42/puppet-tomcat

class { "tomcat":
    monitor      => true,
    monitor_tool => [ "nagios" , "monit" , "munin" ],

Now, of course, I don't expect all Puppet modules to have monitoring
either, but because puppet is more low level, a sys admin, adding
monitoring would find it an easier task (IMHO) than doing it at charm level.


Director Meteorite.bi - Saiku Analytics Founder
Tel: +44(0)5603641316

(Thanks to the Saiku community we reached our Kickstart
goal, but you can always help by sponsoring the project

On 16 May 2016 at 12:06, Charles Butler <charles.but...@canonical.com>

> >  should it not be a requirement for all promulgated charms to have a
> monitoring endpoint
> A bit of a nit, but i strongly disagree with the verbiage here. This
> should be a best practice. Not every charm developer is going to know
> Nagios, and its unlikely they are going to spend the time figuring out how
> to hook it up without some massive incentive.
> With that being said...
> If we can enable this to be a short-story for every charm author, we
> should run this down and tackle it, throw money at it, and make it the best
> experience for "instant monitoring" ever.
> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 6:45 AM Tom Barber <t...@analytical-labs.com>
> wrote:
>> There was a chat we had over dinner at ApacheCon that I figure would be
>> worth bringing up on the list, which was todo with what makes charms
>> "production ready"
>> Charms that have been signed off in the review queue are generally
>> accepted to be of higher quality than ones that haven't(or at least have
>> been validated by those in the know). So people new to the platform will
>> naturally gravitate towards these charms. But does it make them production
>> ready?
>> A couple of questions that cropped up were, even though charms have been
>> reviewed, it doesn't make the them infallible and if people new to the
>> platform install MySQL for example and it fails before they've even
>> started, they'll just spin up a box and apt-get it because what's the
>> point, right? :) So mitigating that risk is one thing.
>> Another point that cropped up was, monitoring. Obviously Charles and co
>> have been working hard on beats, but there are a bunch of industry standard
>> monitoring tools out there that sys admins will already use and be happy
>> with Nagios, Zabbix etc + the commercial ones. Some charms already have
>> Nagios monitoring points, but should it not be a requirement for all
>> promulagated charms to have a monitoring endpoint. For example, we use
>> Nagios on a bunch of our stuff, I should be able to say "hey, I'm gonna
>> install this new charm" and know that I can hook it into our monitoring
>> infrastructure without doing anything too crazy.
>> Its all well and good selling Juju to Developers like myself or CTO's by
>> the Ops guys have their "special ways" and making sure that charms fit into
>> those ways will be key to adoption.
>> Tom
>> --------------
>> Director Meteorite.bi - Saiku Analytics Founder
>> Tel: +44(0)5603641316
>> (Thanks to the Saiku community we reached our Kickstart
>> <http://kickstarter.com/projects/2117053714/saiku-reporting-interactive-report-designer/>
>> goal, but you can always help by sponsoring the project
>> <http://www.meteorite.bi/products/saiku/sponsorship>)
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