Running test2() once before running @time test2() (to force compilation) 
results in a 13% performance improvement on my system.

On Tuesday, 14 January 2014 15:32:16 UTC-6, Przemyslaw Szufel wrote:
> Dear Julia users,
> I am considering using Julia for computational projects. 
> As a first to get a feeling of the new language a I tried to benchmark 
> Julia speed against other popular languages.
> I used an example code from the Cython tutorial: 
> [ the code for 
> finding n first prime numbers]. 
> Rewriting the code in different languages and measuring the times on my 
> Windows laptop gave me the following results:
> Language | Time in seconds (less=better)
> Python: 65.5
> Cython (with MinGW): 0.82
> Java : 0.64
> Java (with -server option) : 0.64
> C (with MinGW): 0.64
> Julia (0.2): 2.1
> Julia (0.3 nightly build): 2.1
> All the codes for my experiments are attached to this post (Cython i 
> Python are both being run starting from the file)
> The thing that worries me is that Julia takes much much longer than Cython 
> ,,,
> I am a beginner to Julia and would like to kindly ask what am I doing 
> wrong with my code. 
> I start Julia console and use the command  include ("prime.jl") to execute 
> it.
> This code looks very simple and I think the compiler should be able to 
> optimise it to at least the speed of Cython?
> Maybe I my code has been written in non-Julia style way and the compiler 
> has problems with it?
> I will be grateful for any answers or comments.
> Best regards,
> Przemyslaw Szufel

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