It's primarily because you're using 64-bit integers in Julia and 32-bit
integers in all the other cases. If you change the C code to use `long`
instead of `int`, the timings are about the same. You're also just summing
result in C but accumulating it in Python and Julia and summing later,
which is less efficient – although it ends up not making much difference

It's difficult to use 32-bit integer arithmetic in Julia on a 64-bit
machine, but you usually don't want to. It's sometimes a performance hit
like it is here, but that's pretty rare, and 2 billion really just isn't
big enough for a lot of pretty mundane things you might use integers for
(Bill Gates can't represent their net worth with a 32-bit int!). 64-bit
integers on the other hand are big enough for any mundane counting task –
you don't hear people talking about quintillions of things, ever. Still, it
would be nice to be able to compile and/or run Julia in 32-bit mode on a
64-bit machine and vice versa.

It's clearly not appropriate for benchmarking, but this Julia one-liner
computes the same thing much more efficiently:

julia> test2(n=20000) = sum(primes(ifloor(n*log(n*log(n))))[1:n])
test2 (generic function with 2 methods)

julia> @time test2()
elapsed time: 0.004566614 seconds (363112 bytes allocated)

The primes 
a BitArray and the Sieve of Atkin to find all primes up to the given
number. Since ifloor(n*log(n*log(n))) is an upper bound on the nth prime,
this always produces at least n prime values and returns their sum.

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Eric Davies <> wrote:

> Running test2() once before running @time test2() (to force compilation)
> results in a 13% performance improvement on my system.
> On Tuesday, 14 January 2014 15:32:16 UTC-6, Przemyslaw Szufel wrote:
>> Dear Julia users,
>> I am considering using Julia for computational projects.
>> As a first to get a feeling of the new language a I tried to benchmark
>> Julia speed against other popular languages.
>> I used an example code from the Cython tutorial:
>> [ the code for
>> finding n first prime numbers].
>> Rewriting the code in different languages and measuring the times on my
>> Windows laptop gave me the following results:
>> Language | Time in seconds (less=better)
>> Python: 65.5
>> Cython (with MinGW): 0.82
>> Java : 0.64
>> Java (with -server option) : 0.64
>> C (with MinGW): 0.64
>> Julia (0.2): 2.1
>> Julia (0.3 nightly build): 2.1
>> All the codes for my experiments are attached to this post (Cython i
>> Python are both being run starting from the file)
>> The thing that worries me is that Julia takes much much longer than
>> Cython ,,,
>> I am a beginner to Julia and would like to kindly ask what am I doing
>> wrong with my code.
>> I start Julia console and use the command  include ("prime.jl") to
>> execute it.
>> This code looks very simple and I think the compiler should be able to
>> optimise it to at least the speed of Cython?
>> Maybe I my code has been written in non-Julia style way and the compiler
>> has problems with it?
>> I will be grateful for any answers or comments.
>> Best regards,
>> Przemyslaw Szufel

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