It's worth discussion, but there are a few significant differences. In
general, our policy is not "you're on your own, kid", but rather "we'll do
what we can, but not if it's going to cost too much". In other words, we
tend towards safety except where safety is unacceptably slow. BigInt
arithmetic everywhere? Not gonna happen. Int64 arithmetic everywhere?
Doable. Using 64-bit integer ops usually does not cost that much – this is
a particularly bad case – specifically because a 32-bit mod is *much*
faster than 64-bit mod. With the recent recent change to integer division,
it only takes *one* type annotation beyond giving the storage type of `p`
to get near-C speed:

function test2()
    p = zeros(Int32,20000)
    k = 0
    n::Int32 = 2
    result = 0
    @time while k < 20000
        i = 0
        while i < k && (n % p[i+1]) != 0
            i = i + 1
        if i == k
            k = k + 1
            p[k] = n
            result += n
        n = n + 1

That's not bad. It's certainly no huge stretch of the imagination to think
that some additional optimization could remove the need for even that

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 11:38 PM, John Myles White <
> wrote:

> +1 for Iain’s point of view.
>  — John
> On Jan 15, 2014, at 5:16 PM, Iain Dunning <> wrote:
> > From a philosophical POV alone, I think its inconsistent that we
> > a) Don't save people from overflows, but
> > b) Silently do Int32 math as Int64 behind the scenes to presumably save
> themselves from themselves
> >
> > I think the overflow behaviour suprises some people, but only because
> they've been trained on Python etc. instead of C, but the Int32 behaviour
> would surprise pretty much everyone given how Julia normally acts (as the
> manual says, its falls into the more "no automatic coversion" family of
> languages)
> >
> > On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 4:28:15 PM UTC-5, Földes László wrote:
> > Sorry for the wrong info, I was switching between a 32 bit and a 64 bit
> machine (SSH terminal), and I just happened to run the script on the 32 bit
> machine...
> >
> > On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:37:07 AM UTC+1, Przemyslaw Szufel
> wrote:
> > Foldes,
> >
> > I went for your solution and got a time increase from
> > 2.1 seconds (64bit integers) to 17.78 seconds (32 bit dow-casting).
> > Seems like casting is no cheap...
> >
> > Any other ideas possibilities?
> >
> > All best,
> > Przemyslaw
> >
> > P.S.
> > Naturally I realize that this is toy example and normally in a typical
> production code we would rather use real numbers for computations not ints.
> > I am asking just out of curiosity ;-)
> >
> >
> > On Wednesday, 15 January 2014 00:25:20 UTC+1, Földes László wrote:
> > You can force the literals by enclosing them in int32():
> >
> > p = [int32(0) for i=1:20000]
> > result = [int32(0) for i=1:20000]
> >     k = int32(0)
> >     n = int32(2)
> >     while k < int32(20000)
> >         i = int32(0)
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 12:04:23 AM UTC+1, Przemyslaw Szufel
> wrote:
> > Simon,
> > Thanks!
> > I changed in Cython to
> > def primes_list(int kmax):
> >     cdef int k, i
> >     cdef long long n
> >     cdef long long p[20000]
> > and now I am getting 2.1 seconds - exactly the same time as Julia and
> Java with longs...
> >
> > Since the computational difference between 64bit longs and 32bit ints is
> soo high - is there any way to rewrite my toy example to force Julia to do
> 32 bit int calculations?
> >
> > All best,
> > Przemyslaw Szufel
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, 14 January 2014 23:55:12 UTC+1, Simon Kornblith wrote:
> > In C long is only guaranteed to be at least 32 bits (IIRC it's 64 bits
> on 64-bit *nix but 32-bit on 64-bit Windows). long long is guaranteed to be
> at least 64 bits (and is 64 bits on all systems I know of).
> >
> > Simon
> >
> > On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 5:46:04 PM UTC-5, Przemyslaw Szufel wrote:
> > Simon,
> > Thanks for the explanation!
> > In Java int is 32 bit as well.
> > I have just replaced ints with longs in Java and found out that now I
> get the Java speed also very similar to Julia.
> >
> > However I tried in Cython:
> > def primes_list(int kmax):
> >     cdef int k, i
> >     cdef long n
> >     cdef long p[20000]
> > ...
> >
> > and surprisingly the speed did not first I thought that
> maybe something did not compile or is in cache - but I made sure - it's not
> the cache.
> >  Cython speed remains unchanged regardles using int or long?
> > I know that now it becomes other language question...but maybe someone
> can explain?
> >
> > All best,
> > Przemyslaw Szufel
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, 14 January 2014 23:29:40 UTC+1, Simon Kornblith wrote:
> > With a 64-bit build, Julia integers are 64-bit unless otherwise
> specified. In C, you use ints, which are 32-bit. Changing them to long long
> makes the C code perform similarly to the Julia code on my system.
> Unfortunately, it's hard to operate on 32-bit integers in Julia, since +
> promotes to 64-bit by default (am I missing something)?
> >
> > Simon
> >
> > On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 4:32:16 PM UTC-5, Przemyslaw Szufel wrote:
> > Dear Julia users,
> >
> > I am considering using Julia for computational projects.
> > As a first to get a feeling of the new language a I tried to benchmark
> Julia speed against other popular languages.
> > I used an example code from the Cython tutorial:
> [ the code for
> finding n first prime numbers].
> >
> > Rewriting the code in different languages and measuring the times on my
> Windows laptop gave me the following results:
> >
> > Language | Time in seconds (less=better)
> >
> > Python: 65.5
> > Cython (with MinGW): 0.82
> > Java : 0.64
> > Java (with -server option) : 0.64
> > C (with MinGW): 0.64
> > Julia (0.2): 2.1
> > Julia (0.3 nightly build): 2.1
> >
> > All the codes for my experiments are attached to this post (Cython i
> Python are both being run starting from the file)
> >
> > The thing that worries me is that Julia takes much much longer than
> Cython ,,,
> > I am a beginner to Julia and would like to kindly ask what am I doing
> wrong with my code.
> > I start Julia console and use the command  include ("prime.jl") to
> execute it.
> >
> > This code looks very simple and I think the compiler should be able to
> optimise it to at least the speed of Cython?
> > Maybe I my code has been written in non-Julia style way and the compiler
> has problems with it?
> >
> > I will be grateful for any answers or comments.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Przemyslaw Szufel

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