I'm sure is such a formatting tool existed and it worked well, the 
community would get behind it.  That said, a standard formatting guide 
enforcable through community pressure would be a good first step.  I feel 
creating something like this is great use case for benevolent dictatorial 


On Monday, February 17, 2014 11:56:39 AM UTC-5, Stefan Karpinski wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Job van der Zwan 
> <j.l.van...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Developing an autoformatting tool? Like I said earlier in another 
>> discussion, I really miss gofmt when not programming in Go these days. But 
>> there's more to it than simple convenience.
>> To quote Andrew Gerrand's 
>> arguments<http://blog.golang.org/go-fmt-your-code>in favour of having one 
>> standard tool for this (he was discussing gofmt):
>>>    - easier to *write*: never worry about minor formatting concerns 
>>>    while hacking away,
>>>    - easier to *read*: when all code looks the same you need not 
>>>    mentally convert others' formatting style into something you can 
>>> understand. 
>>>    - easier to *maintain*: mechanical changes to the source don't cause 
>>>    unrelated changes to the file's formatting; diffs show only the real 
>>>    changes.
>>>    - *uncontroversial*: never have a debate about spacing or brace 
>>>    position ever again! 
>>> Regarding that last point: when I brought up autoformatting tools last 
>> time, one argument against making one now was that there is no consensus 
>> yet on a best stye for writing Julia. However, I think this thinking is the 
>> wrong way round.
>> Some formatting decisions are inherently arbitrary. It is more important 
>> that *a* choice is made. That's either a majority-vote or top-down 
>> decision. Making an autoformatting tool will drive these decisions, rather 
>> than wait for them to happen on their own (some time after the heat death 
>> of the universe, if other languages are any indication).
> I'm actually quite sympathetic to this idea. I suspect that Jeff thinks 
> it's a bit of a waste of time but might be fine with using one as long as 
> he didn't have to put effort into creating it. My guess is that Viral 
> doesn't really care, and Alan is actively waging a war against spaces, so 
> he might be miffed to have them automatically inserted everywhere ;-)
> Also highly relevant to a language still in its infancy is that a tool 
>> like this makes certain breaking changes to the language or standard 
>> library less painful. See the GoFix tool used in the Go language before it 
>> stabilised into version 1.0:
>> Gofix <http://goneat.org/cmd/gofix/> is a new tool that reduces the 
>>> amount of effort it takes to update existing code. It reads a program from 
>>> a source file, looks for uses of old APIs, rewrites them to use the current 
>>> API, and writes the program back to the file. Not all API changes preserve 
>>> all the functionality of an old API, so gofix cannot always do a perfect 
>>> job. When gofix cannot rewrite a use of an old API, it prints a warning 
>>> giving the file name and line number of the use, so that a developer can 
>>> examine and rewrite the code. Gofix takes care of the easy, repetitive, 
>>> tedious changes, so that a developer can focus on the ones that truly merit 
>>> attention. Each time we make a significant API change we’ll add code to 
>>> gofix to take care of the conversion, as much as mechanically possible. 
>>> When you update to a new Go release and your code no longer builds, just 
>>> run gofix on your source directory. 
>> http://blog.golang.org/introducing-gofix
>> Having a tool like that would surely help with the adoption of Julia, as 
>> it would reduce fears of code breaking all the time. Also, it would let the 
>> developers of the language make more drastic changes for a longer time, as 
>> they would not have to worry as much about breaking existing code out there.
> This is actually less relevant to Julia than you might think. Julia's 
> syntax is pretty simple and quite stable. We've made almost no breaking 
> syntax changes since version 0.1 – I literally can't think of a single one. 
> The backwards incompatible changes have been API changes rather than syntax 
> changes. Thanks to multiple dispatch, API changes can be easily handled via 
> deprecation. On the other hand, since dynamic languages like Julia are 
> inherently hard to statically analyze, we can't handle really API changes 
> at the level of AST transformations like Go can – because you can't in 
> general statically resolve what function a call actually invokes.

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