On Thursday, April 24, 2014 11:57:33 PM UTC-7, Tomas Lycken wrote:

> And as soon as you start working with complex analysis, I'm not entirely 
> sure the trapezoidal rule is valid at all. It might just be because the 
> article author was lazy, but the Wikipedia article only talks about 
> integrals of real-valued functions of one (real, scalar) variable. If you 
> need complex numbers for something more than curiosity about Julia's type 
> system, you probably want another approach altogether...

The trapezoid rule is valid in complex analysis, and in fact, it converges 
exponentially for integrals around a circular contour for functions that 
are analytic in an annulus containing the contour. Trefethen has a 
beautiful paper on this subject:


This exponential convergence also applies for periodic functions integrated 
over a full period on the real line, for the same reasons. 

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