I believe the memory requirement should be 700000*700*16 (64-bit nonzeros 
and row indices) + 700001*8 (64-bit column pointers) = 7.8 GB.

This can be brought down a bit by using 32-bit index values and 64-bit 
floats, but then you need 5.8 GB. Finally, if you use 32-bit index values 
with 32-bit floats, you can come down to 4GB. The Julia sparse matrix 
implementation is quite flexible and allows you to easily do such things.

julia> s = sparse(int32(1:10), int32(1:10), 1.0);

julia> typeof(s)

SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int32} (constructor with 1 method)

julia> s = sparse(int32(1:10), int32(1:10), float32(1.0));

julia> typeof(s)

SparseMatrixCSC{Float32,Int32} (constructor with 1 method)


On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 12:36:17 PM UTC+5:30, Ivar Nesje wrote:
> Sorry for pointing out a probably obvious problem, but as there are others 
> that might try debug this issue on their laptop, I ask how much memory do 
> you have? 700000*700 floats + indexes, will spend a minimum of 11 GB (if my 
> math is correct) and possibly more if the asymptotic storage requirement is 
> more than 2 Int64 + 1 Float64 per stored value.
> Ivar
> kl. 01:46:22 UTC+2 onsdag 30. april 2014 skrev Ryan Gardner følgende:
>> Creating sparse arrays seems exceptionally slow.
>> I can set up the non-zero data of the array relatively quickly.  For 
>> example, the following code takes about 80 seconds on one machine.
>> vec_len = 700000
>> row_ind = Uint64[]
>> col_ind = Uint64[]
>> value = Float64[]
>> for j = 1:700000
>>    for k = 1:700
>>       ind = k*50
>>       push!(row_ind, ind)
>>       push!(col_ind, j)
>>       push!(value, 5.0)
>>    end
>> end
>> but then
>> a = sparse(row_ind, col_ind, value, 700000, 700000)
>> takes more than at least about 30 minutes.  (I never let it finish.)
>> It doesn't seem like the numbers I'm using should be that far off the 
>> scale.  Is there a more efficient way I should be doing what I'm doing?  Am 
>> I missing something and asking for something that really is impractical?
>> If not, I may be able to look into the sparse matrix code a little this 
>> weekend.
>> The never-finishing result is the same if I try
>> sprand(700000, 700000, .001)
>> or if I try to set 700000*700 values in a sparse matrix of zeros 
>> directly.  Thanks.

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